Newfoundland and Labrador
Equal Employment Opportunity
Please review the information below and then return to the workplace harassment and violence prevention course.
Applicable Laws
The primary Newfoundland and Labrador law prohibiting employment discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of any protected ground is the Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Act.
Harassment or discrimination based on any ground set forth below is prohibited in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Ethnic Origin
Religious creed
Perceived disability
Sexual orientation
Gender identity
Gender expression
Marital status
Family status
Source of income
Political opinion
Conviction for an offence
Association with other individuals
Some provincial or territorial laws provide additional, separate standards and remedies for certain prohibited conduct, such as laws addressing equal pay without regard to sex or other protected ground.
Definitions of Harassment and Violence
Harassment is unwanted offensive or humiliating comments or behavior. There must be a link between the harassing behavior and that person’s protected personal characteristics.
Violence means the attempted or actual exercise of physical force to cause injury to a worker and includes threatening statements or behaviour which gives a worker reason to believe that the worker is at risk of injury.
Employer retaliation against an employee who files a complaint relating to harassment or workplace violence or is involved in the complaint process is unlawful.