Traliant Resources

Best Practices for Returning to Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Long-Haul Trucking Best Practices


This resource outlines general best practices for the long-haul trucking industry to help mitigate employee exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace. The recommendations listed in this resource are based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other similar guidelines. 

The best practices outlined in this document are general guidelines and may not apply to your specific workplace, job task, or work environment.

Employers and employees should always follow all applicable federal, state, and local laws, guidelines, and public health directives, as they may have different or more stringent standards. 

COVID-19 Exposure

As a long-haul truck driver, you might be exposed to the COVID-19 when:

  • In close contact with truck stop attendants, store workers, dock workers, other truck drivers, or others with COVID-19.

  • Touching or handling frequently touched items and then touching your face, mouth, nose, or eyes.

Outlined below are some steps you can take to minimize exposure to COVID-19 and slow virus spread.

Face Coverings

You should wear a cloth face covering in public settings, especially in areas of significant community-based transmission and when required by law. 

When team driving or ride-alongs are required, you should wear cloth face coverings inside the truck and avoid sharing bedding in the sleeper berth.

However, you should ensure that wearing a face covering does not create a new risk, such as interfering with driving or vision or contributes to heat-related illness that would exceed the COVID-19 related benefits of slowing virus spread.

Make a Plan

You should make a plan with your employer and your family about what to do if you become sick while on the road, including where to stop, where and how to seek medical advice and treatment, and plans for freight delivery.

Social Distancing & Limiting Contacts

You should limit close contact as much as possible by maintaining social distancing of at least (6) feet from others, including:

  • Limit time spent outside of the truck cab during fueling, loading and unloading, and rest and truck stops.

  • Use paperless, electronic invoicing for fueling, deliveries, and other tasks, when available.

  • Contact facilities in advance to make an appointment for unloading of cargo. Be aware that some facilities may not grant access to restrooms and plan as best as you can.

  • Use radio or phone to talk with dock managers or other drivers, if possible.

  • Pack food, water, and other supplies to limit the number of stops.

  • Keep your truck well-ventilated.

Do not shake hands and, instead, use other forms of non-contact greetings, such as a smile, a wave, a nod, a bow, or a thumbs-up to maintain appropriate social distancing.

Cleaning & Disinfecting

You should clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces on a routine basis, including:

    • in the truck cab: the driver door handle, steering wheel, seat belt and buckle, arm and headrest, seat cover, turn signal, wiper controls, dashboard, air ducts, radio, and temperature controls; and

    • in the sleeper berth: light switches, mattress tray, temperature controls, and other flat surfaces.

If a third party must have access to your truck interior (for example, mechanics, other drivers, inspectors), you should request they clean and disinfect the truck before returning it to you. 

Handwashing & Sanitizing

You should frequently wash your hands, as described in the course. If you do not have immediate access to handwashing facilities, you should use hand sanitizer. You should wash your hands before entering and leaving the cab, including deliveries, loading, unloading cargo, rest breaks, fueling, and other activities.

Additional Resources

Other Workplace Considerations

Contact your County Health Department for additional information and guidance as local requirements may vary. 

Refer to government authorities and your employer’s policies and procedures for any other required COVID-19 workplace and/or job-specific safety measures, including but not limited to health screening, face coverings, social distancing, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols.

Workplace safety requirements and guidelines continue to develop as more information about COVID-19 is discovered.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only.
It does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal or medical advice.