Traliant Resources


Florida COVID-19 Resources


This information supplements the COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training. Please review the information below and then return to the course tab.

Federal Guidance Supplement

The U.S. Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Labor, Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), and other federal COVID-19 guidance is frequently modified in response to new and expanding scientific findings. Please review the Federal Guidance Supplement for recently updated guidelines related to the COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training and then return to the State Resource.

State Resources

The following resources are available in Florida if you have any questions or need additional support:


Federal Resources

The following federal resources are available if you have questions or need additional support:

Other Workplace Considerations

Contact your County Health Department for additional information and guidance as local requirements may vary. 

Refer to government authorities and your employer’s policies and procedures for any other required COVID-19 workplace and/or job-specific safety measures, including but not limited to health screening, face coverings, social distancing, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols.

Workplace safety requirements and guidelines continue to develop as more information about COVID-19 is discovered.

Effective June 1, 2023, Florida law prohibits certain actions by businesses and employers, as set out below.

  • A business may not require any person to provide documentation certifying (i) vaccination with any COVID-19 vaccine or any vaccine that is authorized for emergency use and qualifies as an unapproved product under federal law or (ii) post infection recovery from COVID-19, or require a COVID-19 test to gain access to, entry upon, or service from a business in Florida, or as a condition of contracting, hiring, promotion, or continued employment with a business.
  • A business may not discharge or refuse to hire a person; deprive or attempt to deprive a person of employment opportunities; adversely affect a person’s status as an employee or as an applicant for employment; or otherwise discriminate against a person based on knowledge or belief of the person’s status relating to COVID-19 vaccination or COVID-19 post infection recovery, or a person’s failure to take a COVID-19 test.
  • A business may not:
    • require a person to wear a face mask, a face shield, or any other facial covering that covers the mouth and nose; or
    • deny any person access to, entry upon, service from, or admission to its premises or otherwise discriminate against a person based on the person’s refusal to wear a face mask, a face shield, or any other facial covering that covers the mouth and nose;
    • except when a face mask, a face shield, or any other facial covering that covers the mouth and nose is required safety equipment, under standards adopted by the Florida Department of Health.
The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only.
It does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal or medical advice.