Traliant Resources



Federal Guidance Update

February 2, 2021

The last few weeks have seen seismic shifts in the COVID-19 workplace safety landscape. Below is a state-by-state summary of some of the most important changes (and continued requirements):

CDC Update

Effective February 2, 2021, the CDC orders all persons to wear a face mask when traveling into, within, or out of the United States on airplanes, ships, ferries, trains, subways, buses, taxis, or ride-shares. 

People must also wear face masks when awaiting, boarding, traveling on, or disembarking these types of public transportation.

Face masks must also be worn when entering or on the premises of a transportation hub in the United States.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only.
It does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal or medical advice.