Traliant Resources

Best Practices for Returning to Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hospitality Environment Best Practices


This resource outlines general best practices for hospitality to help mitigate employee exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace. The recommendations listed in this resource are based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other similar workplace guidelines. 

Hospitality generally means hotels, resorts, lodges, golf courses, and other like businesses.

The best practices outlined in this document are general guidelines and may not apply to your specific workplace, job task, or work environment.

Employers and employees should always follow all applicable federal, state, and local laws, guidelines, and public health directives, as they may have different or more stringent standards. 

Federal Guidance Supplement

The U.S. Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal COVID-19 guidance is frequently modified in response to new and expanding scientific findings.

Please review the Federal Guidance Supplement for recently updated guidelines related to the COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training and then return to the State Resource.

Face Coverings

Wear face coverings in the workplace as required by law, your employer, or as recommended by the CDC.

Handwashing & Sanitizing

You should immediately wash and/or sanitize your hands, as described in the course, after:

  • Touching surfaces in public areas such as the front desk/check-in counter and restrooms.

  • Touching or handling items such as cash, pens at the front desk, room keys, key cards, or merchandise.

  • Touching high-touch lobby and common area surfaces such as tables, elevator buttons, water fountains, ATMs/card payment stations, and ice/vending machines.

  • Any other time required by your employers policies or by federal, state, or local law and guidelines.

  • Cleaning guestrooms, including contact with dirty linens, trash, and frequently touched guestroom surfaces, such as tables, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, remote controls, phones, toilets, toilet flush handles, sink faucets, door handles, pens, and irons.

More information on what hotel, resort, and lodge workers need to know about COVID-19 is available from the CDC.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

More frequent cleaning and disinfection should be conducted for high-touch surfaces such as the front desk/check-in counter, public areas, restrooms, tables, elevator buttons, water fountains, ATMs/card payment stations, ice/vending machines, pens, room keys, and key cards.

  • Reception desk staff should use disposable disinfectant wipes to disinfect surfaces in between guest interactions.

  • All single-use items left by guests should be thrown away.

  • Public counters and service windows should be frequently sanitized.

  • Golf carts, riding, and hand carts, and any other items handled by guests should be sanitized before and after each use.

Follow all applicable cleaning and sanitizing protocols required by your employer’s policies and/or federal, state, or local law.

More information on what hotel, resort, and lodge workers need to know about COVID-19 is available from the CDC.

Retail and Restaurant Areas

All retail and restaurant areas in or on-site must comply with all federal, state, and local requirements for that particular industry.

Commuting and Work-Related Travel

General Travel

Follow CDC travel guidance to protect yourself and others during travel to and from work and on business trips.

Wash your hands before you leave for work and when you arrive at work, as described in the course. Bring sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if you are unable to wash your hands at your destination.

During travel, practice social distancing by keeping at least six (6) feet from others — for example, when you are waiting at a bus station or selecting seats on a train.

Wear face coverings in public settings, like on public and mass transportation, particularly when required by law.

Your employer may adjust work shifts to permit commuting during less busy times, consistent with business needs.

Consider using transportation options that minimize close contact with others (e.g., biking, walking, driving, or riding by car either alone or with household members).

Individuals who have an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 should consider the risks and benefits of non-essential travel.

Health Monitoring


Employee Temperature Checks

Your employer may implement temperature checks prior to entering the workplace when allowed or required by applicable law.


Wellness Screening Program

Your employer may implement a wellness screening program when allowed or required by applicable law.


Employees with COVID-19 Symptoms, Diagnosis, or Exposure

You are not allowed to report to work or remain at work if you have COVID-19 symptoms, diagnosis, or exposure.

Consult with your employer on how to appropriately report work absences and COVID-19 symptoms, diagnosis, or exposure.

Employers and employees should comply with all federal, state, and/or local laws or guidelines regarding when employees with COVID-19 symptoms, diagnosis, or exposure are allowed to return to the workplace or when to report cases to state or local health authorities.

Additional Resources

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only.
It does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal or medical advice.